The Ideal Blog is a place for you to find the best information about Handyman, Electrical, and Plumbing tips for your business or organization. We search the internet for the most relevant posts and make sure you are always updated with what is new in the industry.
Drainjets was created by Salzer Products in 2015 and is the worlds first permanent jetting system made to reduce clogs experienced by over 70%! We are proud to say that we have partner...
ENERGY STAR estimates that small businesses across the nation spend more than $60 billion a year on energy. Most of this energy is consumed in the form of electricity. So what’s a business owner to do? Get started b...
These telltale signs will show you if you hired a great contractor or one that will end up costing you a lot more than a headache. If you have ever hired a facilities manager before then..
The hygiene of a commercial facility is essential for its operation. When sewer odors appear in your facility, it can indicate serious problems. But even smaller issues must be resolved quickly, and it requires professional commercial plumbers to track down the source of the problem so it can b....